brand power
Heighten your brand power with expertise of a graphic designer
May 3, 2019
July 4, 2019
How To Craft A Compelling Brand Story

“A brand is a voice and a product is a souvenir.” – Lisa Gansky 

A convincing brand story is something beyond embellishments. A compelling brand story will make its own way in the market of competitors and it will raise your brand above all of your rivals. The only way your brand story will resonate with your customer is if your story will be both pertinent and imaginative.

One of the keys to the door of creating loyal customers is branded content, but it opens the door only when done correctly. As a customer of modern-day craves for authenticity more than ever. It doesn’t surprise anyone as the modern world is overwhelmed with the advertisements and corporate messaging so they are well aware of the fake and dishonest marketing news. 

The only way to gather a customer’s trust is to convey the brand’s message and story in authentic ways. If your brand’s storytelling doesn’t have the creativity you think it should have then don’t lose hope. Everything has its basics, and art like creating a compelling brand story takes time, hard work and effort.

To make an engaging brand story, you will need to know some ways. Here are the few ways that will for sure create a compelling brand story:

Start from the origin

Always start from the start. It means if your brand has an attention-grabbing base story then share it with the world. Explain how the idea of your brand was born or the moment your brand’s idea turned into reality. Sharing your true origin story will give hope to the audience that life is not just roses but roses with thorns, which means they will go through some worst day until the best days come. Telling the story of your hardships about starting your brand will motivate them to turn their dreams and idea into reality as you did with your brand.

Basics of your true brand story will assure them that they will face obstacles like you did but they will learn from them as you did. Sharing your story of origin, hardship, difficulties of your journey will reflect how honest, easy, approachable and trustworthy your brand is.

Make sure that you link a point of your story with the customer that makes them believe that your brand is the right choice.

Know your target audience

The most important thing to create an engaging brand story is to know what kind of audience your brand has. Questions like what do you know about their routines, what are their leisure pursuit, how do they use media, what situations are relatable to them, will give you a perfect idea about who your audience really is. Pretend to have a conversation with your ideal customer and ask these questions only then you can envision the ideal customer in your mind. Being specific while describing the ideal customer will help, as at the end of the day you will need to be the solution to your ideal customer. You won’t be able to tell an engaging brand story until you don’t know with whom you are engaging your story. Brands work hard to create a relationship with their customer and brand story is the main element that forces the audience to stay committed and loyal to your brand.


We know that the company’s origin is not less than a few thousand words. But a brand needs to remain precise and simple. The brand strong must base on three things i.e. problem, solution, and success. Simple stories are more effective. The above three things must be adjusted in the story:

•    Beginning: problem: describe the issue you want to solve

•    Middle: solution: the answer to the problem

•    End: success: be excited and share the success story

Long-term story arc

Having a precise brand story doesn’t mean it has to be irrelevant but small. It should be something that creates a long term curve for your brand. Keep in mind that the audience will stay with your brand in the long term only if the story creates long term relationship impact over customers.

Consistency is essential

Consistency is bound with the values of your brand. Nowadays, people are quite aware of advertisement methods because of which they easily know when a brand is not authentic. The relationship that you’re trying to build with your brand’s story will be compromised if your audience felt that their trust is being violated. Don’t jump from topics to topics, choose one storyline and stick to it till the end. Otherwise, your target audience will be confused about your brand’s idea.  Do not lose your customer’s trust by being inconsistent.

Polish it comprehensively

A brand story is created to enhance your brand’s image, so make sure you do everything right. Get rid of the words that make less sense and replace them with something more engaging and meaningful.

Add photographic medium

Visuals are more effective and engaging than text. So if you want your story to be compelling enough for the audience, use visuals and link it with your brand’s story. Brand’s logo design must be also engaging as it effects the brand’s story too. Utilize the best logo design services from Logo Mines for a compelling brand story.

“Rich media always supports your message and drive curiosity”.

At last, the only thing you are left to do is combining all of this information and use it in your brand’s story.

Always remember, Customers should buy a part of the story, not just a product”.

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